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Sandro Cleuzo My Approach to Character Design and Animation

Sandro Cleuzo My Approach to Character Design and Animation

"I am Prince Naveen...(gets smashed by a book)...of Maldonia."
―Naveen introducing himself to Tiana

Prince Naveen is the deuteragonist of Disney's 2009 animated feature flick, The Princess and the Frog . He is the eldest prince of Maldonia, who prides himself in being charming and handsome. While visiting New Orleans, Naveen was transformed into a frog past a wicked witch doctor. Only by kissing a princess tin Naveen pause the spell and go man again. He comes across a woman named Tiana whom he kisses, believing she is a princess due to her attire, but due to her not being an actual princess, she besides is transformed into a frog, thus having to face the aforementioned problem every bit him.

Naveen is loosely based on the nameless titular character from the popular classic fairy tale story "The Frog Prince".


"At this signal, you only have two choices. Woo and marry a rich immature lady, or... Get a job!"
―Lawrence to Naveen

Equally mentioned above, Prince Naveen is native to the kingdom of Maldonia, where he lives alongside his parents, the king and queen (whose names are unknown), and his younger brother, Prince Ralphie. Naveen is quite the freeloader and has spent all his life being waited on, never learning to exercise a thing for himself, including activities as basic equally simple cooking. His parents were in all likelihood, too decorated running the kingdom to accept time with their son, equally Naveen stated during his meeting with Tiana that his mother had servants read him stories earlier bed every dark, implying she was never available to do so. Merely despite this, they were at least aware of his behavior as, by the fourth dimension of adulthood, the King and Queen of Maldonia finally had enough of the prince'due south lazy antics and excessive partying, and disinherited him from the royal family. Fifty-fifty if his parents would non alter their minds, Naveen now had to find some way to get self-sufficient in lodge to survive. Lawrence, still, suggested a way he would non have to worry virtually maturity, which was to find a young woman with money, and ally her. Failing that, Naveen would ultimately have to accept becoming self-sufficient, every bit Lawrence put information get a task.


Though not malicious, or specially antagonistic, Naveen was extremely spoiled, lazy, and vain at the start of the film, as a result of his privileged upbringing. Arriving in New Orleans with intent to marry Charlotte La Bouff for her wealth (admitting forcibly), Naveen's only concern was "living life to the fullest" past partying every bit much as possible—preferably with a pleasurable visitor, as vocalized during "When We're Man". He had a potent disgust towards work or labor and hotly refused to e'er appoint in such activities, making attempts to avoid doing so at all costs. This would often annoy surrounding characters such equally the prince's valet, Lawrence, who Naveen unintentionally humiliated for a number of years, to the point where Lawrence was driven to vengeful villainy. In reality, Naveen simply wanted his pushy valet to bring together in the festivities, but he was bullheaded to ii factors. Commencement, Lawrence was antisocial and was ill at ease in such environs. 2d, while Naveen avoided piece of work, Lawrence had to do a lot of it, especially waiting on Naveen, and it reached a point of frustration for the overworked butler.

Every bit mentioned, Naveen was also extremely vain, constantly commenting on his looks, his ability to arouse women, and was seemingly stuck with a mindset that all women were putty in his hands, in terms of romantic interest. He was also mentioned (in a exhibitionistic way) to accept dated "thousands" of women over the class of his lifetime, thus far, additionally commenting during "When Nosotros're Human" that having "a redhead on [his] left arm, a brunette on [his] right, and a blonde or ii" to exist examples of a perfect way to enjoy life, indicating that he was a heavy philanderer. Yet, every bit Naveen connected to interact and spend time with Tiana during the course of their adventures, Naveen loses his philandering behavior equally Tiana becomes the first girl with whom he has ever fallen in beloved with and wants to settle downward.

Naveen was also incapable of admitting his wrongdoings, and would instead put blame on someone else should problem occur, such equally blaming Tiana for "lying to him" near being a princess (fifty-fifty though she never told him she was a princess), afterward their failed attempt to break the frog curse. When Tiana later on states they are going to return to New Orleans and undo the mess he got them into, he states he was "not the one parading around with a phony distortion tiara." He also refused to admit his foolishness in easily trusting a shady effigy such as Dr. Facilier, the man responsible for the curse, by claiming the witch doctor was "very charismatic", making his schemes irresistibly tempting. However, Naveen grows take to responsibility for his mistakes and learn from them during his fourth dimension every bit a frog.

Despite his shortcomings, Naveen is not every bit confident as he would like to believe and can exist quite humble, devoted, and romantic. The potent-willed and aggressive Tiana would heavily influence the prince, and she would unknowingly bring out the best in his graphic symbol, motivating him to alter his dreams and make something of himself. From that moment frontward, Naveen was no longer concerned with parties and lazing, but instead set his sights on working to both better himself and to help make Tiana'south dreams a reality, becoming a selfless individual who likewise valued the happiness of others. When he finally does admit his shortcomings, he appears very aback of himself, simply becomes a dedicated person to make a living for himself and to make Tiana happy.

Free-spirited and lively, Naveen has a positive tendency of bringing joy to others. While initially a nuisance to Tiana, Naveen was quick to become shut friends with Louis and Ray, as well as New Orleans' common citizens, who all enjoyed the prince's fun-loving nature. Naveen returned the affections past serving equally a supportive friend, championing Louis' dream to become a musician, Ray's beloved for what appeared to be a mere star, and even offered to buy all of his new acquaintances in New Orleans a beverage, just for the sake of doing so, despite not being able to afford such a promise. He tends to have a laid-back attitude towards life and never lets things upset him too much - he does non even appear overly upset at being turned into a frog but instead treats it more than like a new experience. Tiana would also come to savour Naveen's antics, having been influenced to occasionally let loose and enjoy life, herself, past the prince—something she originally refused to practice, to an unhealthy degree. He was too passionate virtually the art of music, specifically jazz music, finding it beautiful, and was shown to highly admire and recognize New Orleans equally the birthplace of the genre.

Physical appearance

Naveen's supervising animator was Randy Haycock, who had previously animated characters such as Simba and Pocahontas, in both his human and frog grade. Naveen is a lean but muscular, boilerplate-sized young homo with wavy, dark brown hair, and amber eyes. He has a slightly lighter skin tone than Tiana and often seen wearing commoner clothes over prince-like article of clothing. By appearance, he resembles his voice role player Bruno Campos, who, every bit mentioned higher up, is Brazilian born, giving Naveen a Brazilian-esque appearance.

When starting time introduced, Naveen is seen wearing a nighttime cream belong with a white shirt, accompanied past a cherry-red, orangish ascot, fitting into the style of traditional New Orleans of the 1920s. At the end of the film, however, Naveen is featured in a fresh, new formal attire, with heavy and light shades of dark-green, matching Tiana'southward official princess gown. The princely attire is also featured with a cape, going downwards just below Naveen'south waist.

As a frog, Naveen was larger than Tiana, with a darker tone. He was originally designed as rather realistic, resembling a toad, but the animators felt the design was too unappealing and reworked the appearance.


In the chapter book continuation of the moving picture, The Stolen Jewel, it is revealed both Tiana and Naveen hold the ability to communicate with animals, having gained that ability from becoming frogs and retaining it after becoming humans again.


The Princess and the Frog

Prince Naveen arrives in New Orleans.

In the motion-picture show, it is revealed that due to his lazy and improvident lifestyle, Naveen'due south parents accept cutting him off from their fortune. Thus, he intends to ally a wealthy southern belle to regain a fortune, and he sets his sights on Charlotte La Bouff, daughter of the fabulously wealthy Eli "Large Daddy" La Bouff. Before, however, Naveen dances around in the streets with performers, wearing casual civilian clothing and playing a ukulele. He expresses his joy towards jazz music and flirts with several pretty women - even attempting to flirt with Tiana, only she blows him off. While accompanied by his valet, Lawrence, Naveen meets a voodoo witch doctor named Dr. Facilier, who promises both men their dreams. Naveen doesn't really want to exist tied down in union - he simply wants coin and freedom. During the song "Friends on the Other Side", Facilier looks into Naveen's future and promises Naveen "to be free, hop from place to place which takes green". After making a deal with Facilier, Naveen is tied to his seat by two snakes for Facilier to cut his finger with his Talisman to fill it with his claret, then is transformed into a frog and imprisoned while Lawrence takes his place as Charlotte's suitor. At Charlotte's masquerade brawl, Lawrence, disguised equally Naveen, begins to woo the young maiden, whilst Naveen remains trapped within a jar, hidden within a cupboard in Lawrence's guest business firm.

Naveen asks Tiana for a osculation, assertive she's a princess.

Fortunately, Lawrence loosened the lid on the jar, after Naveen appeared to be suffocating, thus allowing the prince to escape when Facilier and Lawrence were not paying attention. Shortly after, he comes across a adult female named Tiana who squashes him with a book after he introduces himself to her upon unintentionally scaring her. Believing she is a princess due to her attire, Naveen hatches an idea to become human again past following the lore of The Frog Prince fairy tale. Naveen asks for a kiss from the supposed princess in order to gratuitous him from Facilier's magic curse, but Tiana denies, not wanting to kiss a frog. To change her listen, Naveen explains that he comes from a fabulously wealthy family and offers a advantage of some kind in exchange for her assistance. Unknown to Naveen, Tiana is actually a waitress, struggling to find a way to pay off the money required to purchase her very own restaurant (a payment that needs to be made in 3 days or less). Hoping his wealth could encompass the monetary situation necessarily, she reluctantly kisses the frog prince. Due to Tiana not existence a real princess, yet, Naveen remains a frog and Tiana is transformed into a frog also. In Tiana's panic and anger, she attacks Naveen and the two get launched onto the ball'due south trip the light fantastic toe flooring, frightening Charlotte when they land in her dress. In turn, Big Daddy orders their domestic dog, Stella, to attack them. The hunt ends with Naveen and Tiana accidentally entangling themselves onto the strings of a few balloons and floating into the sky. As they float into the sky Facilier and Lawrence watch them with anger and anxiousness then hurry back to the guesthouse where they left Naveen in a jar in a cupboard and discover that he really has escaped.

"Aid me go out of the swamp, and once I marry Charlotte, I shall go you your restaurant!"

Equally they float downward to the bayou, Naveen explains that he was transformed into a frog by the Shadow Man. Tiana and so reveals herself to exist a waitress which answers the question as to why the kiss didn't break the curse, while Naveen reveals himself to be broke. As the two begin to bicker over who is at fault and who was lying, the balloons pop, and the two are stranded in the bayou where they are attacked by predators. During the set on, Naveen states to Tiana that he intends to become fabulously wealthy over again once he marries Charlotte. After Tiana asks him if he will continue his promise and get her restaurant once he and Charlotte are married, Naveen is intending to become dorsum on the promise, stating he made that "promise to a beautiful princess, not a cranky waitress" before they are attacked by alligators resulting in the two getting launched into the water. Tiana swims into an old hollow tree trunk through a small hole in the lesser underwater while Naveen reaches the bottom of the trunk on land at the aforementioned time the alligators are ferociously leaping in and out of the h2o. While Tiana nervously watches the alligators leaping, Naveen asks her to lower the vine to help him within. Still mad at him, Tiana only commands Naveen to observe his own tree, but when the alligators spot Naveen and approach him, ready to eat him, he fearfully and hastily promises to grant Tiana her eating place one time he marries Charlotte in exchange for helping him escape the swamp, which she agrees to and pulls him into the tree torso with her. The adjacent morning, they run into a jazz-playing alligator named Louis. Louis informs the duo of Mama Odie, a kind voodoo priestess with the ability to plow them human being. Guided by Louis, Naveen and Tiana head off through the bayous in search of her. Along the way, they encounter a romantic firefly named Ray, who explains they have been heading in the incorrect direction due to Louis' incompetence and offers to light the style to the right path. Though Naveen and Tiana constantly clash with one another through the trip, they are forced to work together when attacked past a trio of frog hunters. By utilizing their individual strengths, the two manage to defeat the hunters - in during which, Tiana reveals that she tin exist fun and not only a "stick-in-the-mud."

Naveen and Tiana bonding whilst they melt.

Tiana and Naveen actually brainstorm to realize their initial opinions on one another were not exactly on point, every bit the two begin to slowly open up to each other. Specifically, Naveen learns Tiana isn't as much of a "stick in the mud" equally he causeless, whilst Tiana learns to have a little enjoyment out of life, despite difficult times, through Naveen's influence. Similarly, during a break from traveling, Naveen becomes comfy enough to confess his truthful discontent with his lifestyle. Considering he has waited on hand and foot since childhood, he lacks basic skills - claiming servants would feed him, dress him, and even brush his teeth for him - and feels rather useless every bit a event. Tiana shows sympathy for the prince, and manages to teach him how to mince, granting him one of his first productive skills; much to his pride and joy at the same time. Naveen also expresses amazement at Tiana's cooking skills – both her speed at mincing and the fact that she can make delicious food out of things she has only plant in the bayou.

"Ma Belle Evangeline"

Later on a while, Naveen begins to harbor romantic feelings for the girl, and vice versa, though Tiana fails to realize, and with the fact that Naveen must marry Charlotte, the ii forcefulness themselves to ignore their feelings - Tiana seemingly more and then than Naveen. Ray, nonetheless, notices the blossoming feelings and makes an endeavor to accept them confess the truth during a romantic ballad he sings to his love, Evangeline, the evening star. Naveen translates Ray'southward French for Tiana, briefly causing her to believe that he is saying he loves her, given that he is translating literally (ie "I adore you, I love y'all"). Shortly afterward, notwithstanding, he so takes the time to teach Tiana how to dance, as a token of gratitude for pedagogy him how to mince. Though she is reluctant at first, she agrees and enjoys herself in the process. Naveen's feelings abound through the moment, every bit does Tiana, and the ii nearly share a kiss, merely to be stopped when Tiana 'comes to her senses' and reminds him that he is Charlotte'due south intended. Immediately after, Naveen is attacked by a hoard of shadow demons sent by Dr. Facilier. The shadows capture the frog prince, just they presently encounter defeat at the hands of Mama Odie. She asks afterward who has been messing with Dr. Facilier, to which Louis points at Naveen, who and then smiles sheepishly.

The proposal.

The elderly and blind, but eccentric and wise, voodoo priestess takes the group to her home, where Tiana and Naveen struggle to enquire for assistance. Still, Mama Odie is more than than aware of what they want (to be human) but spends the time trying to explain their desires won't brand them happy if they're just going to keep their lives as before. Naveen realizes this when he sees Tiana dancing with Ray, merely Tiana does not, thinking what Mama Odie ways is that she needs to work even harder than before. Mama Odie helps Naveen realize that what he needs in life is dear and that love would come from Tiana. Mama Odie then tells the friends that Naveen must indeed kiss a princess to break the spell, and the merely available princess is the princess of the Mardi Gras parade, Charlotte La Bouff. Seeing that her father is the male monarch of the Mardi Gras parade, Charlotte is Princess of the Mardi Gras parade and thus can break the spell as long as the festival is running. During the trip home, Naveen attempts to propose to Tiana, assertive that he could work jobs - maybe 2 or three - in order to pay for the cost of fixing upward the mill into a restaurant. He then discovers that if Tiana cannot buy the mill the next twenty-four hour period, her dream of owning a restaurant volition be impossible. Naveen decides against proposing so that Tiana will be able to take the restaurant past his marrying Charlotte.

Naveen putting a terminate to the hymeneals ceremony.

After leaving to round upwardly Louis and Ray, Naveen is captured by Facilier's shadow demons and delivered to the evil doctor back in New Orleans. There, Lawrence takes some of his blood, thus refueling the talisman and conjuring the princely disguise, one time again. That nighttime, during Mardi Gras, Charlotte and Lawrence'due south wedding ceremony is underway atop 1 of the parade floats. Too, on the float is a chest with an imprisoned Naveen. Ray manages to observe the frog prince and frees him, allowing Naveen to attack Lawrence, which in turn puts a stop to the wedding before the marriage is complete. A frustrated Lawrence grabs Naveen and heads into a nearby church where, while distracted by Facilier'due south scolding, Naveen starts to battle his erstwhile valet and pulls the talisman off the latter'southward neck. In the midst of the scuffle, Ray obtains the talisman and flees the church with information technology. While Facilier pursues him, Lawrence is ordered to remain in hiding with Naveen in his grasp until the witch doctor returns. During the expect, Ray hands the talisman over to Tiana telling her to keep it away from Facilier at all costs. Tiana and Facilier then engage in a confrontation, which ends in the destruction of the talisman. Tiana overhears him tell his friends on the other side that Naveen is still locked up before the witch doctor meets his demise. With Facilier gone, Tiana heads back to the parade to detect Naveen.

"My dream wouldn't be complete... Without you in information technology" - Tiana.

At the church building, an impatient Charlotte bursts in to confront her fiancé, just to discover the meek Lawrence, who is arrested for impersonation. Naveen, meanwhile, tries to make a deal with Charlotte, after once once more, being squished by a book from her, promising spousal relationship in substitution for paying all expenses necessary for Tiana to purchase her eating place. Charlotte agrees, but earlier the two can kiss to break the spell, Tiana arrives. She pleads for Naveen to reconsider, merely the prince refuses to revoke his offer, knowing that without it, Tiana's dream will never come true. Tiana, notwithstanding, tells him that her eating house is not as important as the love they share, confessing her feelings at last. Pleasantly surprised, Naveen returns the affections and their dear is proclaimed. Touched by the moment and happy that Tiana has plant the fairy tale she has e'er dreamed of, Charlotte agrees to buss Naveen for him and Tiana, no union required. Unfortunately, the clock strikes twelve earlier she can and the frog curse supposedly becomes permanent. Charlotte apologizes, only Tiana and Naveen decide it does not matter whether they are frogs or humans. And then long as they are together, they tin be happy.

Merely then, a distressed Louis arrives on the scene, carrying a wounded Ray in his palms. He explains Ray was fatally injured by Facilier during the boxing. After bidding farewell, he peacefully passes away. Naveen, Tiana, and Louis attend the funeral held in the bayou with the rest of his firefly family members. After the service, the sky begins to shine brightly as Ray has ascended into the night heaven, condign a star alongside Evangeline - finally receiving his wish to someday join her side. Naveen, Tiana, Louis, and all of Ray's firefly family embrace in joy.

Naveen and Tiana's dream come up true.

Following these events, Naveen and Tiana are married by Mama Odie in the bayous where Louis, the firefly family and many other bayous animals nourish their wedding. Once they are pronounced frog and wife and share a buss, they magically transform dorsum into humans. Their marriage officially made Tiana a princess and kissing a princess breaks the spell. The bayou celebrates their success and a second wedding is held in New Orleans to make it official in front of their families and friends. After the wedding ceremony celebration, Naveen accompanies Tiana in successfully purchasing her eatery with a little help from Louis. Together, the couple works to revamp the onetime rundown carbohydrate mill, somewhen transforming it into a beautiful, elegant establishment. Still, her father's picture show called the eating place Tiana'due south Place, only Tiana somewhen decided to change it slightly, calling it Tiana'southward Palace. Equally hoped, Tiana'southward restaurant was a massive success. Louis lives out his dream of performing in front of a man audience every bit a renowned musician, and Naveen learns about working difficult and enjoying life to the fullest at the aforementioned time while condign an employee for Tiana, making both himself and his visiting family proud. As the amazing evening carries on, Naveen and Tiana share a romantic dance under the stars every bit Ray and Evangeline watch over them.

Ralph Breaks the Internet

Naveen in Ralph Breaks the Internet.

Naveen appears in his frog form, every bit a netizen originating from Oh My Disney in Ralph Breaks the Internet. Later the princesses save Wreck-It Ralph from plummeting to his doom, he is laid to balance in a manner similar to Snowfall White. As a comical homage to "true love's kiss", Tiana brings forth Naveen to wake Ralph with a kiss. When Ralph awakens, Naveen throws him a flirtatious glance. A dazed Ralph groggily thank you Naveen, mistaking him for Frogger from the arcade game of the same name. Naveen is then seen beingness held by Tiana for the remainder of the scene.

Other appearances

Drawing Naveen.

In the Walt Disney Animation Studios' YouTube video Drawing Naveen, the frog prince struggles to bring himself to blithe perfection equally a joking animator (Randy Haycock) constantly toys with his froggy appearance.

In promotion for the film, Naveen (every bit a frog) appeared in a GEICO commercial, asking the car insurance company'south gecko mascot for aid after he has been transformed into a frog by Facilier. The gecko and so advises him to find a princess to aid break the curse.

In anticipation for the 82nd Academy Awards, Naveen and Louis fabricated an appearance in an online promotion, accepting the film's nomination with pride.

Naveen briefly appears on Television set in the short The states Once again , when the onetime man is flipping through channels.

Alive-activeness appearances

Once Upon a Fourth dimension

Naveen on Once Upon a Time.

Naveen appears during the second one-half of season 7 of the series, where he is portrayed past Jeff Pierre. Naveen meets Tiana, Henry, and Cinderella on the twenty-four hours of Tiana'south coronation. When the kingdom's subjects are under set on, he decides to join them. At first, Tiana does non trust Naveen, but later on warms upwards to him. He tells her that ever since his brother died, it has been hard for him to rule Maldonia all by himself. After, when the two of them are sitting in a boat in a swamp, an alligator attacks Naveen. Tiana saves him by throwing a spear at the gator. Naveen is badly injured and nearly dies. Dr. Facilier appears and said that he lured Naveen to the Bayou to get a necklace out of the alligator. Tiana makes a bargain with Facilier to salvage Naveen, simply Facilier magically transports him to a place where she'll never find him.

In the Hyperion Heights neighborhood, Naveen appears under the cursed persona named Drew. He is a nutrient truck vendor who knew Sabine in the past. During a food event, Sabine'southward food constrict is forced to close downward since she does not take a permit. Sabine accuses Drew of stealing her permit considering she believes he is afraid of the competition. Afterwards, Drew apologizes to Sabine for everything that has happened and gives Sabine his let, and so she can reopen her food truck. Later Drew helps Sabine with making food for the residents of Hyperion Heights, it is and then revealed that Drew has been working for Mr. Samdi, the cursed counterpart of Dr. Facilier, and is only trying to brand Sabine gain his trust as part of a programme. Notwithstanding, after the curse is cleaved, he breaks free from Samdi's control and reunites with Sabine.

Printed media

A Subconscious Jewel

An illustration of Naveen in A Hidden Precious stone.

Naveen is the focus in the story revolving around Tiana's twentieth birthday. Here, the prince is having a difficult fourth dimension figuring out the perfect gift for his bride, having searched far and wide through New Orleans to notice such a present. Even so, at one point, he overhears Tiana and Charlotte conversing, and in during which, he hears how Tiana and her father used to get out into the bayous to find swamp amber which, co-ordinate to Tiana, is more beautiful than any diamond or pearl.

With Louis' help, Naveen heads off to find the amber, asking Mama Odie if she knows the whereabouts. Still, he is told he needs to complete the job on his own and heads into the bayous to search himself. Together, the prince and Louis presently discover a spot to search, and Naveen dives in after the amber, soon tangling himself in tree roots trying to call up it, most drowning before being rescued by Tiana. Once saved, Naveen bestows the gift, much to Tiana's please, and the couple returns to Tiana'south Palace for the birthday celebration. There, they run across a visiting Mama Odie, who takes the bister whilst the royal couple washes themselves, transforming it into a cute piece of jewelry, perfect for Naveen's souvenir for Tiana'due south special day. With the swamp amber placed into a necklace around Tiana'south neck, the prince and his princess dance the rest of the lovely evening away.

Other Books

In Something Old, Something New, Naveen plays a small role in the story of how his and Tiana'south wedding came to be, in which he and Louis worked together to organize the music of the festivities.

In A Princess Easter, he joins Tiana, Charlotte, and Louis in creating an Easter parade float, suggesting Tiana be the star.

In Tiana and her Loyal Friend, Stella sneaks into Tiana'southward Palace where she enjoys some gumbo, while Tiana, Charlotte, Large Daddy, Eudora, Naveen and his family dine together. First appearance of Naveen's parents.

Video games

Kinect: Disneyland Adventures

Naveen in Kinect: Disneyland Adventures.

Naveen appears in the game as a meet-and-greet graphic symbol in New Orleans Foursquare. Equally a souvenir for the actor, Naveen provides a baton. Afterwards, Naveen gives the role player a few tasks, including seeing if they can inquire the Jambalaya Jazz Band to play at Tiana's Palace since Louis is away at a gator family unit reunion, and finding his lost sheet music. Naveen too makes an appearance during the Mickey'south Soundsational Parade mini-game, where Tiana kisses him while in his frog form, turning him dorsum into a homo.

At one betoken, Naveen decides to surprise Tiana by decorating Tiana'southward Palace even further. To exercise so, he asks the player to collect several things including magnolia blossoms, flowers, and pictures of classic New Orleans. Before long after, Naveen plans on impressing Tiana by making her a native Maldonian dish. Notwithstanding, the dish requires lots of peppers and their kitchen is all out, leading Naveen to asks the player for assist. Worried for Tiana's safety, Naveen asks the role player to light some lanterns effectually New Orleans Square.

Nervous virtually presenting his dish to such a marvelous chef such equally Tiana, Naveen asks the player if they can take it to her in his identify. Afterwards the completion of the dish, Naveen had no time to clean afterward, resulting in pots and pans being scattered around the square. He then asks the thespian to collect them for him.

Ballsy Mickey: Power of Illusion

While not appearing in this title, Naveen is mentioned past Tiana and was said to be in danger at the hands of Dr. Facilier, relying on Tiana to rescue him.

Disney Parks

Naveen, posing for a photo, at Walt Disney World.

Naveen has made appearances at both the Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World, forth with his co-stars during Tiana'due south Showboat Jubilee. Currently for meet-and-greets, however, Naveen is most likely to appear in Disneyland Paris or the Magic Kingdom, to a higher place the remainder.

Disneyland Resort

Naveen's frog self can be seen every bit a office of the decor in Mickey's Soundsational Parade. He can too be spotted every bit a frog and a human in The Princess and the Frog'south Enchanted Window displays on Main Street, U.S.A.

In the original World of Color, Naveen can exist seen twice. He is get-go seen during the "So Close" sequence and later during the show'south finale, kissing Tiana.

Animatronic versions of Naveen (equally a human being and frog) can also be seen in the Enchanted Window display along Chief Street, U.South.A.

Walt Disney Earth

In Florida, Naveen has his ain spell card known as "Prince Naveen's Army of Frogs" in the attraction Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom.

Naveen also makes a cameo during the chimera montage of Disney's Hollywood Studios version of Fantasmic!

Naveen too appears in Mickey's Majestic Friendship Faire, in front of Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom.

Disneyland Paris

In Paris, Naveen and Tiana joined the cast of Disney characters in Disney's Showtime Spectacular, where they celebrated the magic of romance. He dances with Tiana and other princes and princesses at The Starlit Princess Waltz.

He besides played a role in the riverboat show, Dr. Facilier'southward Funfair-Loween.

Tokyo Disney Resort

In Japan, Naveen does non run into at the resort, only appears in the Tokyo DisneySea version of Fantasmic!

Shanghai Disneyland

In Shanghai, Naveen is featured inside the Enchanted Storybook Castle, being depicted on The Princess and the Frog-themed mosaic landscape, besides as a wall etching display alongside Tiana. Naveen likewise makes a cameo in Ignite the Dream, during the finale, alongside Tiana.

Disney Cruise Line

Naveen plays a minor role in the show Believe on lath the Disney Dream prowl send. Aboard the Disney Wonder, Naveen's likeness appears throughout the Tiana's Identify restaurant.

Naveen's Maldonian Linguistic communication

Phrase Meaning
Ashidanza! Astonishing or wow; a word for excitement
Abinaza Bye
Faldi Faldonza An expression of surprise; like to Oh my God
De Fragee Pruto The Frog Prince



  • Earlier becoming "Prince Naveen of Maldonia", the grapheme of the Prince was instead a British royal by the proper noun of Henry. Co-ordinate to animator, Randy Haycock, this version of Naveen was inspired by J.C. Leyendecker, the immature Carry Grant, too as Brad Pitt. [1]
  • Naveen is an Indian name (meaning "new"), which suggests that Maldonia is a Eurasian country (the name of Maldonia is a mix betwixt Republic of the maldives and Macedonia), although his fluency in English, French and Italian might also indicate that Maldonia is a Mediterranean state, possibly near Monaco.
  • Naveen most often appears as a frog for about not-live appearances.
  • In the film Enchanted , released two years before The Princess and the Frog, a foreshadowing reference to Disney's so-upcoming incarnation of the Frog Prince (Naveen) was made.
  • Naveen is fluent in French, as evidenced past his accurate translations of Ray's French lyrics for "Ma Belle Evangeline".
  • Naveen is the only Disney Prince to have both of his parents alive and present in his motion-picture show.


v - due east - d
Films and Television: The Princess and the Frog ( video ) A Verse form Is... Tiana

Video Games: The Princess and the Frog Kinect: Disneyland Adventures Disney Princess Enchanting Storybooks Disney Universe Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure Disney Sorcerer's Arena Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: The Art of The Princess and the Frog Disney Princess Ancestry
Music: Soundtrack Bayou Boogie

Disney Parks
Club Villain Castle of Magical Dreams Midship Detective Agency Princess Fairytale Hall Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom New Adventures with Princess Tiana

Entertainment: Disney's Believe Disney'south Showtime Spectacular Mickey's Magical Commemoration Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire Mickey and the Magical Map Mickey and the Wondrous Book The Golden Mickeys The Starlit Princess Waltz Tiana'southward Mardi Gras Celebration Tiana's Showboat Jubilee Villains Tonight!
Parade: Disney Pirate or Princess: Brand Your Choice Disney Stars on Parade Dreams.... And Shine Brighter! Festival of Fantasy Parade Magic Happens Mickey'due south Soundsational Parade Mickey and Friends Celebration
Firework: Disney Dreams! Disney Enchantment Happily Ever After HarmonioUS ILLUMINATE! A Dark Celebration Momentous Wonderful World of Animation
Halloween: Celebrate the Magic Disney'southward Maleficious Halloween Party Dr Facilier's Carnival-Loween Frightfully Fun Parade Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular It'due south Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains Allow's Get Wicked Mickey's Halloween Treat Cavalcade The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime The Nightmare Experiment Villains Grove Villains Mix and Mingle Globe of Color: Villainous!
Christmas: Royal Christmas Wishes

Tiana Prince Naveen Ray Louis Mama Odie Juju Dr. Facilier Lawrence Charlotte La Bouff Eudora James Eli La Bouff Evangeline Reggie, Darnell, and Ii Fingers Stella The Fenner Brothers Facilier'southward Friends on the Other Side Facilier's Shadow Firefly Family Alligators Georgia
Facilier's Talisman Louis' Trumpet Mama Odie's Wand Mama Odie'south Gumbo Cauldron
New Orleans Bayou of New Orleans Mama Odie'due south Tree Tiana's Palace Maldonia Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium Duke'due south Café
Original songs: Downwardly in New Orleans Near There Friends on the Other Side When Nosotros're Man Gonna Take You At that place Ma Belle Evangeline Dig a Little Deeper Never Knew I Needed

Bayou Boogie: Everyday Princess Alive To See You Grinning Shadow Man Do What I Wanna Exercise When You're In Love You'll Sympathise Zippin' To The Zydeco I Was Born To Accident This Horn Play With The Band Night and Day Life In The Swamp Beloved is a Magical Mystery Sing Away The Blues Mama Odie's Kitchen Vocal

Meet Also
Disney Revival Electric Holiday
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Shows: Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

Books: One time Upon a Fourth dimension: Shadow of the Queen In one case Upon a Time: Out of the Past Once Upon a Time: Ruby-red's Untold Tale Once Upon a Time: Regina Ascent
Special Bonus: Good Morning StorybrookeThree Who StayedTales From The Underworld: A Knight With Cruella

Once Upon a Time :
Season One: Emma Swan Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard Prince Charming/David Nolan Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Golden/Weaver Evil Queen/Regina Mills/Roni Belle/Lacey French Henry Mills Happy Sneezy/Tom Clark Bashful Md Dopey Sleepy/Walter Jiminy Cricket/Archie Hopper Stealthy Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale Blue Fairy Widow Lucas/Granny King George/Albert Spencer Genie/Magic Mirror/Sidney Glass Nurse Ratched Mad Hatter/Jefferson Prince Henry/The Valet Knave of Hearts Sheriff of Nottingham/Keith Fairy Godmother Abigail/Kathryn Nolan Ruby-red Riding Hood/The Wolf/Ruby Huntsman/Sheriff Graham Baelfire/Neal Cassidy Pinocchio/Baronial W. Booth Frederick/Jim Severe Nurse Mayor Tomkins Hansel and Gretel/Nicholas and Ava Zimmer The Woodcutter/Michael Tillman Martin Myrna Stephen Donna Prince James Blind Witch Peter Siren Pongo Gaston The Rex/Mitchell Herman Male monarch Leopold King Midas Zoso Prince Thomas/Sean Herman Grace Daniel Colter Nova Briar Rose Geppetto/Marco Gus/Billy Ruth Dark 1

Season Two: Killian Jones/Hook/Rogers Aurora Prince Phillip Mulan Milah Maid Marian Quinn Alphonse Frankenstein Anita Lucas Jack King Xavier Anton William Smee Greg Mendell Tamara The Dragon Queen Eva Seer Lancelot Robin Hood Wendy Darling Nana Mary Darling George Darling John Darling Michael Darling The Shadow Lost Boys
Season 3: Peter Pan/Malcolm / Pied Piper Ariel Zelena/The Wicked Witch of the Westward Glinda/The Good Witch of the Southward Walsh/Wizard of Oz Elsa the Snow Queen Tinker Bell Blackbeard Lumiere Ursula the Sea Goddess Jonathan Dorothy Gale The Witch of the E Rapunzel Rapunzel'due south Female parent Rapunzel'due south Father The Sheriff of Hamelin Medusa Prince Eric Liam Jones Roland
Season Four: Anna Kristoff Hans G Pabbie Sven Ursula the Bounding main Witch Marshmallow Picayune Bo Peep The Apprentice Ingrid Lily Page Colette Oaken Rex of Arendelle Queen Gerda Cruella De Vil Poseidon Duke of Weselton Hans' Brothers Chernabog Rex Stefan Isaac/The Writer Madeline Merlin/The Sorcerer
Season V: Merida Queen Eleanor King Fergus Harris, Hubert, and Hamish The Witch Lord MacGuffin Lord Macintosh Lord Dingwall Male monarch Arthur Sir Kay Guinevere Gorgon The Invincible Charon Brennan Jones Hades Megara Hercules Cerberus The Scarecrow Toto Cleo Play a trick on Auntie Em Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde Evil Queen
Season Six: Aladdin Gideon Count of Monte Cristo Alexandra Jasmine Blood-red Bird Captain Nemo Lady Tremaine Clorinda Tisbe Jacob Oracle Royal Guards The Sultan Beowulf Black Fairy Tiger Lily Robert Prince Achmed Stanum Cowardly Lion Lucy
Flavour Seven: Rapunzel Tremaine/Victoria Belfrey Cinderella/Jacinda Vidrio Tiana/Sabine Alice/Tilly Drizella/Ivy Belfrey Anastasia Gothel/Eloise Gardener Eudora Dr. Facilier/Mr. Samdi Hansel/Jack/Nick Branson Marcus Tremaine Cecelia Coven of the Eight Madame Leota Naveen/Drew Blind Witch/Hilda Gretel Chad Seraphina Flora Isla Zorro

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland : Alice Cyrus Anastasia/Red Queen Percy/White Rabbit Edwin Jabberwocky Silvermist The Sultan/The Old Prisoner Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Mrs. Rabbit Elizabeth/Lizard Amara Bandersnatch Millie
Both serial: Will Scarlet/The Knave of Hearts Cinderella/Ashley Boyd Robin Hood Niggling John Friar Tuck Grumpy/Leroy Cora/The Queen of Hearts Caterpillar Maleficent Jafar Dr. Lydgate

Season Ane: " Pilot " • " The Matter You lot Love Most " • " Snow Falls " • " The Cost of Aureate " • " That Still Minor Voice " • " The Shepherd " • " The Eye Is a Alone Hunter " • " Desperate Souls " • " Truthful Due north " • " vii:fifteen A.M. " • " Fruit of the Poisonous Tree " • " Skin Deep " • " What Happened to Frederick " • " Dreamy " • " Red-Handed " • " Heart of Darkness " • " Chapeau Trick " • " The Stable Boy " • " The Return " • " The Stranger " • " An Apple Red every bit Blood " • " A Country Without Magic "

Season Two: " Broken " • " We Are Both " • " Lady of the Lake " • " The Crocodile " • " The Doctor " • " Tallahassee " • " Child of the Moon " • " Into the Deep " • " Queen of Hearts " • " The Cricket Game " • " The Outsider " • " In the Proper name of the Brother " • " Tiny " • " Manhattan " • " The Queen Is Dead " • " The Miller'southward Daughter " • " Welcome to Storybrooke " • " Selfless, Brave and True " • " Lacey " • " The Evil Queen " • " Second Star to the Right " • " And Straight On 'Til Morning "
Season Iii: " The Heart of the Truest Laic " • " Lost Girl " • " Quite a Common Fairy " • " Nasty Habits " • " Good Grade " • " Ariel " • " Dark Hollow " • " Recall Lovely Thoughts " • " Save Henry " • " The New Neverland " • " Going Home " • " New York City Serenade " • " Witch Hunt " • " The Tower " • " Quiet Minds " • " It's Non Easy Being Green " • " The Jolly Roger " • " Bleeding Through " • " A Curious Matter " • " Kansas " • " Snowfall Drifts " • " There's No Place Like Home "
Season 4: " A Tale of Ii Sisters " • " White Out " • " Rocky Route " • " The Amateur " • " Breaking Drinking glass " • " Family Business organisation " • " The Snowfall Queen " • " Smash the Mirror " • " Fall " • " Shattered Sight " • " Heroes and Villains " • " Darkness on the Edge of Boondocks " • " Unforgiven " • " Enter the Dragon " • " Poor Unfortunate Soul " • " Best Laid Plans " • " Heart of Gold " • " Sympathy for the De Vil " • " Lily " • " Mother " • " Operation Mongoose "
Flavour 5: " The Dark Swan " • " The Price " • " Siege Perilous " • " The Broken Kingdom " • " Dreamcatcher " • " The Bear and the Bow " • " Nimue " • " Nascence " • " The Carry Male monarch " • " Broken Center " • " Swan Vocal " • " Souls of the Departed " • " Labor of Love " • " Devil'due south Due " • " The Brothers Jones " • " Our Decay " • " Her Handsome Hero " • " Ruby Slippers " • " Sisters " • " Firebird " • " Last Rites " • " Only You " • " An Untold Story "
Season 6: " The Savior " • " A Bitter Draught " • " The Other Shoe " • " Foreign Case " • " Street Rats " • " Night Waters " • " Heartless " • " I'll Be Your Mirror " • " Changelings " • " Wish You Were Here " • " Tougher Than the Rest " • " Murder Virtually Foul • " Ill-Boding Patterns " • " Page 23 " • " A Wondrous Place " • " Female parent's Trivial Helper " • " Awake " • " Where Bluebirds Fly " • " The Black Fairy " • " The Vocal in Your Heart " • " The Terminal Battle "
Season Seven: " Hyperion Heights " • " A Pirate's Life "• " The Garden of Forking Paths " • " Dazzler " • " Greenbacks " • " Wake Up Phone call " • " Eloise Gardener " • " Pretty in Blueish " • " 1 Little Tear " • " The Eighth Witch " • " Secret Garden " • " A Taste of the Heights " • " Knightfall " • " The Girl in the Tower " • " Sisterhood " • " Breadcrumbs " • " Chosen " • " The Guardian " • " Flower Kid " • " Is This Henry Mills? " • " Homecoming " • " Leaving Storybrooke "

One time Upon a Time in Wonderland : " Down the Rabbit Hole " • " Trust Me " • " Forget Me Non " • " The Serpent " • " Eye of Stone " • " Who's Alice? " • " Bad Blood " • " Home " • " Nothing to Fear " • " Dirty Trivial Secrets " • " Middle of the Matter " • " To Take hold of a Thief " • " And They Lived... "

Once Upon a Fourth dimension : Royal Castle Boston Night Palace Maurice's Castle Night Castle/Rumplestiltskin's Castle Library King's Castle Tremaine estate Maurice'due south Castle Dwarves' Cottage Dwarf Mines Geppetto's Home New York City King Stefan's Castle The Beanstalk Giant'south Lair England London Darling Nursery Neverland Big Ben Skull Stone Hamelin Maritime Castle Rapunzel's Belfry Vault of the Dark One Land of Oz Yellowish Brick Road Emerald Urban center Arendelle Valley of the Living Rock Arendelle Castle Elsa'south Water ice Palace Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna Bald Mountain Ring of Stones DunBroch Witch'due south Cottage Castle DunBroch Underworld Mount Olympus Poppy Fields Auntie'southward Craven & Waffles Cave of Wonders Pleasance Isle Magical Forest Seattle Hyperion Heights Belle & Gold'south House Facilier'southward Lair Gothel'due south Garden Tiana's Palace San Francisco Memento Mori Maldonia Flynn's Barcade United Realms Snowfall White's Farm

Once Upon a Fourth dimension in Wonderland : Wonderland Castle The Mad Hatter's House White Rabbit'due south House Underland Tulgey Wood
Both series: Storybrooke Maine Enchanted Wood Forbidden Fortress Wonderland Wonderland Maze Agrabah Sherwood Forest The Sultan's Palace

In one case Upon a Time : In one case Upon a Time (Book) Snow White's Glass Bury Red Riding Hood Maleficent'southward Staff Magic Wand Glass Slipper Poisoned Apple Spinning Wheel Magic Lamp Nighttime One'southward Dagger Chipped Loving cup Jefferson's Hat Magic Beans Helm Hook'due south Hooks Enchanted Candle Pixie Grit Dreamshade Salad Fork Pandora'due south Box Silver Slippers Sorcerer Lid Enchanted Broom Trident Enchanted Crush Heroes and Villains (Book) Merida'due south Bow Magical Rose Excalibur Olympian Crystal Cinderella'southward Dress Golden Scarab Beetle Rapunzel'due south Frying Pan Magical Golden Flower Shrinking Potion Floating Lanterns Tarot Cards Maui'south Fish Hook

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland : Vorpal Bract
Both series: Jafar'due south Snake Staff Enchanted Hearts Jafar's Lamp

Songs Featured
" Requite a Lilliputian Whistle " • " Heigh-Ho " • " With a Smile and a Song " • " Beauty and the Brute " • " Function of Your World " • " Fathoms Below " • " Cruella De Vil • " Some Day My Prince Will Come " • " The Unbirthday Song "

Original Songs: " Powerful Magic " • The Queen Sings Love Doesn't Stand up a Chance Revenge Is Gonna Be Mine Wicked Always Wins Charmings vs. Evil Queen Emma'due south Theme A Happy Start

The Jolly Roger Magic Carpet Royal Transport Cruella's auto Nautilus Cinderella's Charabanc
Fairies Unicorns Dragons Bridge Trolls Werewolves Wraith Ogres Mermaids Kraken Flying Monkeys Rock Trolls Will O' the Wisps Furies Munchkins Tree Nymphs
v - e - d
Film: Wreck-It Ralph ( video ) • Ralph Breaks the Internet ( video )

Video games: Video game App Disney Infinity Disney Crossy Route Disney Heroes: Boxing Way PAC-MAN: Ralph Breaks the Maze Kingdom Hearts Iii Kingdom Hearts Wedlock χ Disney Sorcerer's Arena
Books: Piddling Golden Book One Sweet Race Saccharide Rush Wreck-It Ralph: The Junior Novelization I'm Gonna Wreck It! Disney Christmas Storybook Collection The Fine art of Wreck-It Ralph The Art of Ralph Breaks the Net
Music: Wreck-Information technology Ralph Songs and Story: Wreck-It Ralph Ralph Breaks the Net

Disney Parks
The Addendum The Magic of Disney Animation PLAY! Ralph Breaks VR

Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney Songbook
Firework: Gloat the Magic Disney Enchantment Happily E'er Later ILLUMINATE! A Dark Celebration Wonderful World of Blitheness
Halloween: Mickey'southward Boo-to-You lot Halloween Parade
Christmas: Mickey'due south One time Upon a Christmastime Parade

Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-Information technology Ralph Vanellope von Schweetz Gear up-It Felix Jr. Sergeant Calhoun King Processed Sour Bill Stan Litwak Factor Nicelanders Cy-Bugs Markowski General Hologram Hero's Duty Troops Wynnchel and Duncan Taffyta Muttonfudge Candlehead Rancis Fluggerbutter Sugar Rush Racers Saccharide Blitz Citizens Moppet Girl Surge Protector Cameos

Ralph Breaks the Cyberspace: Yesss Shank KnowsMore Spamley Double Dan Gord Perchance Eboy Fun Bun and Puddles Arthur Ralph clones Swati and Nafisa Snow White Cinderella Aurora Ariel Belle Jasmine Pocahontas Mulan Tiana Rapunzel Merida Anna Elsa Moana C-3PO
Deleted: B.E.V.

Litwak's Arcade Bad-Anon Game Central Station Fix-It Felix Jr. Hero'southward Duty Saccharide Blitz Sugar Blitz Castle Nutrition Cola Mountain TurboTime Net BuzzzTube eBay Oh My Disney Slaughter Race
Wreck-It-Ralph: When Can I See You Once again? Celebration Saccharide Rush Shut Up and Drive Wreck Information technology, Wreck-Information technology Ralph March of the Oreos

Ralph Breaks the Net: Zero A Place Called Slaughter Race

Magic Hammer Medal of Heroes Aureate Money Vanellope's Racing Karts Candy Kart Imperial Racer Vanellope'southward Medal Arcade Prizes Rex Candy'south Breast
Meet Besides
Disney Revival

Sandro Cleuzo My Approach to Character Design and Animation




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Barefoot Contessa Trifle Dessert : Barefoot Contessa Trifle Dessert / English Christmas ...

Barefoot Contessa Trifle Dessert : Barefoot Contessa Trifle Dessert / English Christmas ... . English trifle recipe — dishmaps.she lists ten foolproof tips for. Ina takes dessert to another level with her molten skillet brownies! Barefoot contessa is an american cooking show that premiered november 30, 2002 on food network, and is currently the oldest show on the network's the contents of barefoot contessa are usually her fixing foods which are normally french. We're successful food editors on a mission: Barefoot contessa outrageous brownies with ganache frostinga bountiful kitchen. Barefoot contessa, located only 17km from argostoli town and 12km from kefalonia international airport, in the south coast of the island, is widely preferred by families and couples, who choose wisely to spend their holiday moments savoring the coastal life in one of kefalonia's best resorts. Kicking off our launch of weekend spring pop up's at barefoot contessa are the lo


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